Our organization relies on donations of both goods and funds. We are incredibly grateful for the people and groups who have donated their time and treasure to support neighbors in Spartanburg.
Hand in Hand accepts donations of nonperishable goods only. We accept donations of goods at any time (such as nonperishable food, cleaning supplies, hygiene products, and paper products). Click below to view a list of commonly-needed items:
To donate goods, please call 864-913-2179 to arrange a time and drop-off location.
Hand in Hand uses financial donations to shop for specific items that each family needs, including new clothing for children, household items, and basic essentials such as air mattresses, linens and pillows for children who have no bed, space heaters when there is minimal heat in the home, supplemental food items such as fresh fruits, produce, milk, bread, etc., and kitchen utensils and cookware.
The options to make donations as a memorial or an honor tribute are available.
Checks should be made payable to Hand in Hand & mailed to:
393 East Main Street | Spartanburg, S.C. 29302
Thank you for supporting Hand in Hand!